Meet our Guides: Elise Soniat

by May 8, 2015Uncategorized1 comment

As we near the beginning of our 2015 season, we’re excited to introduce you to the guides who are ready to serve your family or your group this summer!

Elise-close-up-editedElise Soniat is from Pagosa Springs, Colorado, but is currently living in Grand Junction attending Colorado Mesa University. She is pursuing a degree in Exercise Science with plans of going into Physical Therapy! Outside of school, she spends her time, as a professional photographer shooting weddings and creative portraits, as well as working for a coffee shop. Good thing she likes coffee. Elise enjoys whitewater rafting (oh yeah!), Rock climbing, Backpacking, snowboarding and most things that keep her playing outside. She also enjoys photography, music and too many other things to list.

Elise will be spending her 4th consecutive summer with us here at Journey Quest. She is stoked to be back because “as my friend Mark from New Zealand says (and yes you have to say it in a NZ accent), “You get to journey towards Jesus, and you get to come alongside of people and love the living daylights out of them!”” There is no better way to connect with guests of all ages, sharing Jesus Christ’s love with them than through time spent together, adventuring in God’s Creation away from the busyness of normal life. We are excited to have Elise as part of our team again this summer!

Elise Group

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