Meet our Guides: Cori Ward

by Mar 25, 2013Uncategorized0 comments

As we near the beginning of our 2013 season, we’re excited to introduce you to the guides who are ready to serve your family or your group this summer!

CoriCori-Ward-3 Ward is from Cedaredge, Colorado, and is nearing completion of her teaching degree at Colorado Mesa College in Grand Junction, Colorado. She’s one of those crazy people who loves hanging out with Middle-School and High-School students, especially as a Young-Life leader in the Grand Junction area, where it seems it is way too common to see Cori in a ridiculous costume or covered in shaving cream. Cori is a fun-lovin’ gal who enjoys rafting, backpacking, and ice climbing, but especially loves the opportunities that these adventures bring for building friendships and sharing the love of Jesus Christ with everyone she meets.

Before joining Journey Quest’s guide team in 2012, Cori served at Camp Redcloud dreaming up new coffee creations and guiding students into the wilderness. Cori has recently completed a 10-day Wilderness First Responder class, which better prepares her to handle medical emergencies in the backcountry. Journey Quest is excited to have Cori back for 2013, even with her unexplainable love for Taylor Swift’s music!


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