Staff Reference Form

NOTE FROM JOURNEY QUEST: The nature of the ministry of Journey Quest requires that we have mature, dependable, and spiritually minded staff. We do not expect them to be perfect, and we are excited to help them grow and make personal improvements. It is our mission to make disciples by building Biblical qualities into our staff’s lives. We are concerned that the people who come to Journey Quest see Christ through the lifestyle that each staff member portrays. Be objective in completing this form and submit it directly to us.

Please leave blank any questions you feel unqualified to answer. Your information will be held in strict confidence.

Applicant Information

Applicant's Name: *
Applicant's Email: *

Reference's Information

Your Name: *
Your Email: *
Daytime Phone: *
Mailing Address:
Zip/Postal Code:
Relationship to Applicant: *

Reference Questions

1. How long and under what conditions have you known this person?
2. Is the person a Christian? If so, for approximately how long?
3. Does the person appear to be growing in his/her Christian experience?
If so, what are some examples of the growth that you see?
4. Does the person take an active interest in Christian service?
If so, what are some examples?
5. Please describe the person’s spiritual life and Christian testimony among peers and community:
6. What are the person’s strong points?
7. Does the person have any traits that you feel might hinder the effectiveness of an outdoor ministry?
8. Are you recommending the person because of what he/she can do for our program or for what we can do for him/her, or both?
9. Would you want your own child or teenager to be placed under the direct supervision of this person?
10. In your opinion, does the person have the desire and/or abilities to work with young people in a camp setting? Please explain:
11. What are the person’s special abilities or talents?
12. Please rate the applicant on each of the following areas:
a. Leadership Ability
b. Communications Skills
c. Ability to Deal with Conflict
d. Initiative / Self Starting
e. Punctuality
f. Enthusiasm
g. Response to Authority
h. Dependability
i. Teachability
j. Willingness to Serve
k. Spiritual Maturity
l. Physical Fitness
m. Office Skills
n. Mechanical Skills
13. Additional Comments:


  I certify that these statements are true to the best of my knowledge. I understand that my responses will be held in strict confidence and will not be shared with the applicant.
E-Signature: *

What Our Guests Are Saying

“This week was really life changing!”
Geneva, Illinois
“Journey Quest's guides were really open about talking about their passions and personal faith. They also really tried to get to know us each personally with a lot of enthusiasm which was really welcoming...I enjoyed Rock Climbing the most. I learned that you can be surprised about how far you can push and challenge yourself even if you think you can't do it...It has helped me realize how important it is to remove yourself to really focus on your faith. I liked not having my phone and the time spent together...Thank you for everything this week. It was really life changing!”
“What a great afternoon!”
Percella Snyder
Via Google +
“Our family thoroughly enjoyed every minute of our rafting trip with our guides, Mark and Ryan. What makes it even better is the fact that they are Christians! We spent the whole day breaking spiritual bread with some awesome men of God...and we got to navigate the waters of Royal Gorge in the process! ” Read Full Review
“Rafting trip”
Covington, Louisiana
“Thoroughly enjoyed our trip! The guide was very friendly and safety conscious. We were able to relax and enjoy the scenery.” Read Full Review
“Such a great time, Journey Quest became an annual event!”
Sasayama-shi, Hyogo, Japan
“Several years ago, my church in Colorado Springs decided to make rafting a summer event. We chose Journey Quest (VFH at that time) and had a blast. We did the half day trip that ends just before the Royal Gorge, and it was perfect for our mixed group. With kids from 13 years old through adventurous grandparents, we wanted something everyone would enjoy; Journey Quest delivered a safe, entertaining, and exciting voyage each time.” Read Full Review
“Journey Quest Combo”
Tamara D
Geneva, Illinois
“Journey Quest is the first Christian program I feel I can recommend to others. I felt my kids and I were always in competent hands; even the "dangerous" activities felt safe and professionally managed. Excellent ministry focus throughout! Sincerely appreciated the kind and infection enthusiasm. I'm truly grateful and humbled by the energy and intention I received from each and every Journey Quest associate!”


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