How often do you hop in the driver seat of your car and go somewhere only your friend, who is sitting the passenger seat, knows where to go? We choose the driver seat because it is our car. We like to be in charge of our things. We are in the car driving to the...
I recently watched this TV series on Hulu called 11.22.63. It follows our main character Jake Epping as he is sent back in time to stop the assassination of John F. Kennedy. Here’s the catch, he can only be sent back to October 21, 1960, and is required to live in the...
I am convinced actions do speak louder than words. I am convinced the way we live our lives and the way we treat others paints the truest pictures of who we are. Our actions display what we stand for and what we think is right. As Christians, we are called to...
“Passing alongside the Sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and Andrew the brother of Simon casting a net into the sea, for they were fishermen. And Jesus said to them, “Follow me, and I will make you become fishers of men.” And immediately they left their nets and followed...
When we accepted Jesus as our Lord and Savior, did He forgive us of all our sins, the sins of the past and future? Is His grace sufficient? I think He has. I firmly believe that Jesus’ blood has covered all my sins, but there seems to be this idea that is plaguing us...
I am sure you have heard this analogy before, but I will reiterate it in case you haven’t. Let’s just say you had $86,400 in your bank account. If someone stole $10 from you, would you get angry? Would this stolen $10 make you want to throw away the other $86,390? I...